A bespoke coaching experience for
clarity & a more peaceful relationship with yourself.

When was the last time you focused on yourself?
Purely on who you are, your needs and felt at peace?

Master The 8 Experience is a getaway retreat in Antigua, where you will rejuvenate, reconnect and rediscover yourself. Experience the rare opportunity dive deeply into your healing journey, creating a space to focus exclusively on you. Leave feeling nourished in mind and soul, reconnected to your inner wisdom, re-energized with excitement and clarity about what is next for you.

Are you ready to break free from feeling lost, stuck, or overwhelmed in your life? Do you want to reignite your passion, purpose, and potential? Our program is designed to help you do just that, and more.

Nestled in the pristine paradise of Antigua, this island oasis is the perfect setting to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Our expert coaches will guide you through an immersive, personalized program that’s tailored to your unique needs, helping you unlock your full potential and gain clarity about your life’s path.

Whether you’re looking to heal past traumas, reignite your passion, or create a happier, more fulfilling life, our program will help you achieve your goals. You’ll receive one-on-one expert coaching, participate in interactive group workshops, and engage in activities that will nourish your mind, body, and spirit.

At Master The 8 Experience, we believe that taking care of yourself is essential to living your best life. That’s why we’ve created a luxurious, safe, and supportive environment where you can focus entirely on your personal growth and self-care.

Imagine waking up to stunning ocean views, practicing yoga on the beach, indulging in delectable local cuisine, and connecting with like-minded individuals who share your journey. You’ll leave Antigua feeling renewed, inspired, and empowered with the tools and strategies to continue your journey of self-discovery.

Don’t wait another day to invest in yourself and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life. Join us for the Master The 8 Experience and discover the life-changing transformation that awaits you.

Natural Beauty

“We started seeing Miss Godsi about 6 months ago. What a remarkable change we have seen in ourselves. An
honest, insightful reflective coach. Her skill is that she really cares about her clients. Amazing. Thank you Ronita.”   DGM

“After going through two very difficult years following the death of my husband, I was stuck in a cycle of crippling thoughts that did not allow me to move forward. I could not even consider taking better care of myself, let alone exploring a new intimate relationship.
Ronita worked intensively with me in Antigua for a whole month, and I feel that I went through an amazing healing process as a result. I simply feel I have rediscovered myself. My thoughts are clear and positive. I am even excited thinking about a new partner in my life. I am just happy.
If you are looking for a coach who works from the heart, who will truly see you, and is reliable, sensitive, and committed, I would recommend Ronita. She is exactly what you are looking for.”   KK

“It’s a unique experience focusing solely on your individual desires. We arrived very stressed and filled with worries. We left looking and feeling 10 years younger. Our individual and collective relationship was strengthened beyond what we came for.”   LAG

“Your presence in the space you create just allows people to feel like a better version of themselves just by being in your presence.”   DC

“ This was the optimum retreat experience for me creating the balance and power of inner-strength, inner-wisdom, inner-self. A healing connectivity to nourish mind and body in discovering me, the complete.
Antiqua’s unmatched beauty, Caribbean breeze, tranquil ocean’s rhythm washed pain away to expose purpose, the treasure ME…now untethered.. ”   JR

“Awakened to the wisdom of my soul – identified & cleared away unproductive mindsets. Escaped from my day to day life to be able to deeply go within. Surrounded myself in a setting, that was very conducive to soul contact. Allowed myself to be held so lovingly, that all I had to do was focus on my own healing and clarity. Breakthrough after breakthrough is what happened in the womb that is Master The 8 experience. A gift 💝”   TF

“Thank you again for the insights you provided. They gave me much needed clarity.”   NE

“I can always count on you to get deep into the heart of the matter.
Kindly, but directly to what I need to pull out of the shadows. Thank you.”   TF

“I cannot express how fortunate I am to have met Ronita and to have had her work with me. She is one of the most magical and powerful people I know. I say she is magical because of her ability to see another person’s gifts, strengths, and abilities. She did this for me one on one, and I observed her do it for others in a group we were in together. She has an incredible ability to see what is there, however hidden and to reflect it back to you in a way that you understand and believe so that you can strengthen and develop it further.

I remember remarking to her that she was an Oracle and I realize now, that this word is not sufficient to describe her insight and power. Ronita is unique in her ability to be incredibly gentle, loving, and supportive while at the same time completely direct and holding you accountable when you are playing small, letting the unhelpful inner voices get loud, or just generally undervaluing yourself.

Finally, I can’t speak about Ronita without mentioning her curiosity. She is so genuinely curious about other people (which I think speaks to her generous spirit) and is able to use this as a tool for their growth and development. Again, it is my great fortune to experience this personally. Ronita inspires me to go deeper and dream more expansively and helps me to explore what I find so that i can transform the learnings into tangible actions and experiences in my life.”   AT

“You have this amazing ability to bring together and connect people. Make them feel part of something bigger. You intuitively know the right resources to gently guide and help people.”   DS

“You have given me some sage advice in how to help my daughter and I so appreciate that.”   JMD

“I wanted to fall in love again with my husband. Master The 8 Experience brought us back to totally falling in love with each other in the little details during the day. To show up magically as if starting over, and not let my ego get in the way in the moment.”   LA

“Working with Ronita profoundly shifted many of my unconscious blocks, and reminded me that ultimately everything I need is within…”   LL

“I just finished the ‘Master The 8’ program with Ronita Godsi and I’ve been trying to find the right words to describe this amazing experience. Trust me, I’m a writer and I am suddenly finding that words fail me. How do you describe being filled with a joy that doesn’t come from one source, but rather invades all your cells and senses? How can you describe a lightness of being lifting not only your spirit but your body, mind, and heart? I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s a journey that triggers a full heart, mind, spirit, body, and soul response and while the source cannot be pinned down it creates a sense of freedom, bliss, and equanimity that had been buried for far too long. It’s the kind of awakening that opens a door and frees you from yourself by realizing that the mysterious keys to that proverbial door were in your hands all along.

Ronita’s intuitive nature and sensitive approach makes the coaching experience flow easily and feels naturally safe and caring each step of the way.

If this wasn’t magic enough it takes place in a beautiful setting on an exquisite island that has its own brand of kind nurturing held in the soft white sand, warm, clear, turquoise water, rainforests, mountains, and smiles on the face of all the local people you meet. The island exudes a sense of time slowing down. After only three days it’s actually felt like I had been there a whole week!

I could go on and on to try and describe this divine experience, but I will just stop here and encourage you to take the plunge and take yourself to spend time in Ronita’s care and I can guarantee that you won’t be disappointed. In love and free spirit,”   Danna H

“… brings comfort, peace, reassurance and love … radiate light for others to come to. I am beyond beyond GRATEFUL to see your light and partake of it. YOU are an angel on earth. Bless YOU beyond beyond.”   JRS

“Ronita has the ability to listen so deeply to what you are saying that she is able to shine the light of clarity upon a murky mind and give you new perspective & direction … to leave a session feeling completely seen, known, valued, understood, and supported.

She has an uncanny ability to suggest the perfect actions & exercises to help you breakthrough current limitations & rise to the next level … help you clear the lens so you can be as bright as you can be!”   TF

“I could not be happier with the result…the support, encouragement and patience I received from you was more than I ever expected. You knew what I needed and you gave it to me. I am excited to continue working with you as my business grows.”   JV

“You are thorough in the processes and follow up, incredible structure and a high quality product. AND a heart of gold, able to feel me as your client. Love how you show up in the world.”   BH

“Completely true at heart, what one sees is a golden heart and a sincere heartfelt connection with people you interact with. You are THE EXPRESSION of calm confidence backed with faith, with a clear connection to another dimension while your feet are firmly connected with Mother Earth.”   PP

“…your compassion in such a deep private part of my life has been powerful … your words landed , they shifted shame to feeling empowered”   KP

“That is a profound gift. You have this depth, and wisdom, and gravitas, and you also have this fire that when you speak, you have this way of igniting something. It’s a remarkable energy to sit with and be with.”   JP

“Thanks for the great insight…it was very concise yet extremely informative and painted a very vivid picture. Impressive.”   BO

“Strong and powerful. No one can knock down that strength. So much love and resilience. Open-minded to change and respect.”   BJA

“I really appreciate your effort, promptness and unique insight into getting to the bottom of what will work best for me.”   CB


The Insight Whisperer ™

Ronita Godsi: An adventurous and resilient soul, Ronita was born in Nigeria, raised in London, and now feels blessed to call Antigua home. Having escaped a toxic marriage, she struggled and embraced single motherhood with her four incredible daughters in Los Angeles, learning profound lessons in love and humility.

After navigating the diverse realms of retail and online platforms, she unearthed her true passion for coaching and mentoring.

With a remarkable knack for deciphering the unspoken, she skillfully guides individuals through the labyrinth of their stories, offering them profound self-awareness, the gift of clarity, and the healing balm of forgiveness. With compassionate guidance, she gently ushers others to unearth their inner wisdom, illuminating the path to profound serenity, liberation from anxiety, and a transformative journey toward the life that truly resonates with their souls.

Once her youngest daughter left for college, she embarked on an island-hopping adventure that eventually brought her to the healing shores of Antigua. Inspired by her transformative experience, she created the Master The 8 Experience – a bespoke coaching journey that invites individuals to pause, reflect, and thrive against the enchanting backdrop of the island.

When she’s not coaching, you’ll find her on the tennis court, immersing herself in languages, exploring cultures, and savoring delectable cuisines. Her vision extends to living and working across 40+ islands, uplifting others, and leaving a trail of happiness and inspiration, echoing the timeless words of Mother Teresa.